Tuesday, August 18, 2009

a whore is what you are

this body painting thing, man. call me a prude all you want but i just don't see it.

i can appreciate the beauty in nudity and i can also appreciate the talent and the creativity that goes into painting on such a canvas. what i can't understand is stepping into a bar like that. if we were talking at a local art gallery or some type of artsy event, sure. the bar though? really?

bars are just so sleazy. personally i don't enjoy the bar scene (so, i might be biased). these girls spend the entire afternoon doing their hair like their off to prom and applying layers and layers of foundation (that just makes them more dog faced). they wear ugly little outfits that violate the tits-ass rule. it's just tacky.

these girls are not out to represent art, they are out to get the most attention. it's ridiculous and it's disgusting.

and then the photos appear on facebook, and grandma gets offended and your very catholic next door neighbor decided to voice her opinion and FACEBOOK EXPLODES! groups are created "body painting iz art" "****body painting isnt nudity <3<3****" and the messages start appearing "remove yourself from my friends list if you are offended by my boobs and cottage cheese ass being sucked on by twelve strangers" i'm sorry, i lost my dinner.

i for one have nothing against random sex. in fact, i applaud it. go out, meet some super fox or some dog face (to each their own), do something crazy and meaningless if you want... cool.

but please don't go skank trashing it up painted by your buddies cousin at the busiest skank bar in town and tell me to call that ART? no. you're a whore and i hope you get syphilis.

Monday, August 17, 2009


super annoying. today for probably the fifth time (in the 2 and a half months i've worked there), someone told someone else to tell me to do something differently. for the love of god, if you have an issue with the way i'm doing things - PLEASE TELL ME YOURSELF. excuse the capslock, but really. so, i had to sound like the bitch when i requested a little bit of respect. it was aggravating and put me in a lousy mood from the remainder of my shift. agh!

a bit of background information here, i am an introvert, a wall-flower, a listener. i love myself for this. talking non-stop is ridiculous. it's another thing that has the capability to put me in a disgusting mood. some people just don't get it. if you want to yammer on about something useless go find someone who digs that sort of thing. i for one am content with eight hours of silence. i'm okay with this.

i smile a lot, and i'm a big bag of awkward - perhaps this is why i am unapproachable?

another stupid thing. fat people making fat jokes and constantly finding ways to make people say 'you're not fat' ... super annoying. i'm not good at it either. i laugh and shake my head. that's what you're suppose to do right? if someone is gagging from a cigarette, you would never say 'you're lungs aren't that bad'.

today was so grouchy. i don't want to go back to work tomorrow. kill me now.

actually, i did almost die tonight. and when i didn't i said 'well, if i died at least i wouldn't have to go back to work.' a man in a child molester white van backed up onto a cross walk going about 50km/hr and i had to dive forward falling on a hypodermic needle (actually, only the first half of that is accurate).

i have so many television shows that must be watched, and work and sleep are really getting in the way of that. who is enjoying defying gravity? i kind of am. canadian sci-fi, right on!
much of today was spent wasted. it's too bad. the plan was to watch the first four episodes of defying gravity and the preseason of bsg. perhaps tomorrow. work in half an hour. still have to shower.

i have been trying this no bra thing. and it all started with the l word. the no bra looked super foxy and since i have super tiny boobs i figured i could pull it off. my first attempt just had to be a day full of running around. i'm thinking take two can be today! i'll let you know how that goes.

it would be nice to know i'm writing for at least someone to read. i'll work on that later.

bb11 rant tonight.

the start of something special

this post marks ground zero to the quaint little ppb. let's see how this goes.

i believe an introduction is warranted: (the boring part) it all began eight years ago with deadjournal. this sprouted a beautiful relationship with the blogging. then livejournal came into my life, and it's been a well traveled one. lj will continue to be a part of it.

ppb, is an attempt to make more public rants and to extend myself into the blogging life. the life i hold so dear to my heart.

i will definitely complain and whine and at times be a giant hypocrite. i am uncensored and may be offensive. i watch far too much television, which i plan on discussing here. you can follow my life and the quarks that represent me.

i'll explain the title next time.